It's nice to be appreciated at home.
Dartmouth Now, an official publication of the college, gives 40 Towns lots of ink in "New Website is Showcase for Literary Journalism Students", along with a terrific photo of our staff poring over maps of the Upper Valley.
Dartbeat, the blog of The Dartmouth, provides another take, by student writer Margarette Nelson.
And Dartblog, a widely-read independent daily publication, sings our praises, too.
Last but not least, Dan Fagin, a Dartmouth alumn and parent -- and a professor of science journalism at NYU as well as author of the recent Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation -- gives us a little twitter love: "Congratulations to @JeffSharlet and all the writers at @40Towns. Some really fine work here, worth your attention."
Dartmouth Now, an official publication of the college, gives 40 Towns lots of ink in "New Website is Showcase for Literary Journalism Students", along with a terrific photo of our staff poring over maps of the Upper Valley.
Dartbeat, the blog of The Dartmouth, provides another take, by student writer Margarette Nelson.
And Dartblog, a widely-read independent daily publication, sings our praises, too.
Last but not least, Dan Fagin, a Dartmouth alumn and parent -- and a professor of science journalism at NYU as well as author of the recent Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation -- gives us a little twitter love: "Congratulations to @JeffSharlet and all the writers at @40Towns. Some really fine work here, worth your attention."